Demon Vastupurusha, Venus,Shiva, real meaning of the story
सर्वव्याप्तेऽप्यमुष्मिन्नतनु तनुघटाभ्यन्तरे व्योम यद्वत् ।तद्वन्नित्यम विशेषान्नगरपुरमहीक्षेत्रखण्ङङागणादौ ॥उत्ताने नैर्ऋताशाविनिहितचरणे यावदीशान्तशीर्षे ।जाते तावन्निषेदुः स्थिरमिह विबुधास्तस्य देहे क्षणेन ॥
श्लोक २८, मनुष्यालयचन्द्रिका
Translation: He lay flat face upward (utthana) with his legs in Nirrti (SW) corner and head in /Isana (NE) corner, always filling everywhere especially cities, towns, land, quadrants of plots (kshetrakhandas), yard, etc. like the akasa in small as well as in large pots. Then suddenly the gods permanently occupied on his body.
The story of Vastupurusha: Mythlogically, Shukracharya, the Guru of the demons started a sacrificial fire to destroy the devas. During the rites, a drop of Perspiration of Sukra fell in the fire and Vastupuruha, a fire - spitting demon emerged from it. This demon started destroying the devas. The devas approached Siva , for help. The fire from the third eye of Siva chased Sukra and his Portege. Frightened, Sukra reduced his form, and entered Siva’s stomach through his ear. Siva ordered Sukra to come out, but Sukra wanted a boon, which would guarantee the security of his protégé. This was granted. Vastupurusha promised not to cause any further destruction. The gods
occupied several parts of his body after laying him down.
This is an old story related to the birth of vastupurusha. There are few important things over here. The vastupurusha was a protégé of Shukra or Guru of demon. Shukracharya is related to planet Venus that rules luxury, passions, riches, comfort etc. What we need to understand over here is that vastupurusha is mostly related to family persons and the variety of structures built by them. However, vastu is not directly related to ashrams, sanyasis or tapasvis. The great Varahmihiracharya and other writers of ancient lore have mentioned this in many slokas. They have clearly mentioned that many rules of vastu are not applicable on these areas and people. Vastu is applicable on temple because finance is needed by temples as well. Ahrams and mathas are not totally based on financial activities (Though some modern mathas are opposite). It should be noted that vastupurusha and his divisions should not be applied blindly without studying the scriptures.
Spiritually, Maya, devi, stri or females, riches, money are all related to shukracharya. The vastupurusha is an embodiment of illusion called maya. Maya is the one who keeps gripping your Indriyas or senses. So anybody who is outside this grip cannot be affected by the demon called Vastupurusha.
Alok Jagawat
Translation: He lay flat face upward (utthana) with his legs in Nirrti (SW) corner and head in /Isana (NE) corner, always filling everywhere especially cities, towns, land, quadrants of plots (kshetrakhandas), yard, etc. like the akasa in small as well as in large pots. Then suddenly the gods permanently occupied on his body.
occupied several parts of his body after laying him down.
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