The existence of negative entities is a debatable topic but I do not wish to enter this debate. There is no reason for the same, as the people who do not believe this, can live with their viewpoint. It is a good thing that some brains are super sensitive to environment and carry a higher sense and better understanding of environment. There is no need to explain the same to people who dare not carry such an advance perception and visualization system.
These negative powers exist as an opposite force to the positive powers. They control humanoids to a very good extent. They can also coexist with us in our own abode without our knowledge.

Life becomes problematic because of these unknown and invisible energies sharing our living spaces. The feeling that we can sense such energies and powers but we cannot see them, makes it more frightening. This is because we know something is there but we cannot sense the same with outer senses.

These energies create hindrances in our day to day life. These negative energies create enmity between the cohabitants of the house, have the power to generate mental agonies and sometimes can lead to severe depression. They can modulate our nervous impulses to a very good extent.

The ancient Vastu system or ancient Hindu architecture has set rules for making a house. These rules create harmony between different forces and prevent mishaps. With modern times and a half intelligent approach of modern science, our own advance knowledge is being forgotten and we create spaces which are totally against the prescribed formats. The results are sufferings and afflictions which are mere outcome of negative interactions between the living space and the inhabitants. In ancient architecture everything is considered as alive and a house is not a dead unit of walls and doors. It is live and interacts at a very subtle level. The frequencies of a living abode should correctly match the frequencies of the inhabitants, otherwise problems arise.

I am sharing some tips to ward off evil entities and general negativities in the house. These are based on experience and are not recommended in any of the vastu granthas. Please read them thoroughly before you implement the same.

1. Do not plant heavy trees near the house. The shadows of these trees should not fall on the house during any time.
2. The main door of the house should be strong and high. It should be decorated with swastika and other auspicious symbols.
3. One should always create a boundary on the plot.
4. Avoid heavy electrical wiring in front of the house. One needs to cover the wire with plastic pipes in case it is there.
5. Avoid high rise buildings as they can never be corrected and carry severe anomalies.
6. Avoid buildings with cracks, beehives, bats and buildings which are abode of pigeons.
7. Never put bird feed on roof top.
8. South and South west facing houses need special attention in case they are been bought.
9. Never plant the trees and plants near a house which should be avoided according to vastu.
10. Avoid plots near crossings, bridges, water bodies etc. Avoid plots having power sub stations nearby.
11. Do not buy a plot or house which has foreseen lots of tragedies in the past.
12. Do not keep idols of God inside the house. Idols require lots of dedication and invocation can create problems if they are not maintained. “Brahmarakshas” (A type of demon) has the boon to feed on wrong poojas and mantras. It is better to avoid such things inside the house. Light a lamp or incense at basic level and do not chant mantras without proper knowledge.
13. Keep clear quartz balls and clear salt rocks inside the house.
14. Avoid any kind of garbage in kitchen. Always remove the garbage from kitchen during night time.
15. Keep your house and premises clean.
16. Pest control should be maintained inside the house.
17. The leftovers should not be left in kitchen. Either dispose them or keep them covered.
18. Never keep water in open.
19. Do not keep very old non-working machines inside the house.
20. Do not keep damaged and non-working clocks inside the house.
21.  There should be ample amount of natural light inside a house. A house devoid of natural light becomes an abode of negative entities.
22. Avoid basements in the house. It creates Kutak Vedha which results in “Bhoot Doshas”.
23. If you have a bar inside the house then never keep the bottles without caps. Never keep a temple and a bar inside the same house.
24. Avoid keeping cats, pigeons, snakes, hawks etc as pets.
25. Avoid drugs and alcoholism.
26. Keep the Northeast area very clean and avoid bathrooms, toilets and sinks in this area.
27. Do not buy used furniture and used iron objects. These things carry vibes of the earlier user and the transmit the same in newer environment.
28. Always switch on the light during twilight. Never keep any portion of the house in dark.

These are few things which can help you ward off negative entities and negative vibes inside your house.

Alok Jagawat

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