वर्णपरत्वेन भूमिलक्षणानि ॥ भूमि का जातिकर्म के अनुसार चयन ॥ Selecting a Vastu Plot

वर्णपरत्वेन भूमिलक्षणानि ॥ भूमि का जातिकर्म के अनुसार चयन ॥ Selecting a Vastu Plot

 घृतगन्धा शुभास्वादे क्ष्वेतेष्टा ब्रह्मणस्य भूः ।। ६५रक्ता तु शोणितगन्धा तुवरा क्षत्रियस्या ।पीताम्लतैलगन्धा च वैश्यवर्णन्नयस्य च ॥ ६६कटुका मत्स्यगन्धाभू कृष्णाशूद्रेरिऽचलेष्वपि ।शरावेद्यृतपूर्णौऽस्मिन्नामेवत्तिर्चतुष्टये ॥६७  पूवार्द्यादीप्यते वर्ति विप्रादीनां शुभा मही ।
   भूमिपरिक्षा ॥ मिश्रकलक्षणम्

The sloka determines the different lands suitable for different types of Varnas.

What is Varna: Varna (वर्ण) is a Sanskrit word which means type, order, colour or class. The term refers to social classes in Brahminical books like the Manusmriti. These and other Hindu literature classified the society in principle into four varnas:
The Brahmins: priests, scholars and teachers.
The Kshatriyas: rulers, warriors and administrators.
The Vaishyas: cattle herders, agriculturists, artisans and merchants.
The Shudras: laborers and service providers.

This quadruple division is a form of social stratification not to be confused with the much more nuanced Jāti or the European term "caste".
So varna means class of men or class of humans doing a particular work. So one who is a CA is actually a vaisya by this classification, not because he is born in Baniya community. According to this certain type of lands are suitable for certain type of class of men.

For Brahmins: Priests, scholars, astrologers, karmakandis and teachers etc. The land which has a fragrance of clarified butter, Shubha or Madhur swada and is white in color is called Brahmani and is good for such Scholars.

For The Kshatriyas: rulers, warriors and administrators, surgeons, army men: The land which is red in color ( I have come across such land in Madhya Pardesh and Rajasthan (Possibly rich in Iron)), which smells like blood or saffron (शोणित) , tastes like tubara or toobara, astringent or Kashya or if toobra it should smell like bull (Not तुवरा as mentioned in sloka) is called Kshatriya land.

The Vaishyas: Merchants, CA, Businessmen, traders, accountants, bankers, agency related people: The land which is yellow in color (The shekhawati which has produced large number of businessmen and millionaires has this colored land), tastes sour or Amla and smells like oil is called Vaishya land.

The Shudras: Laborers, menial workers, daily wagers, artisans and service providers. The land which is Pungent or Katuswada, black in color (Usually Opium is grown on such land, example Neemuch) and smells like fish is called Shudra.
Vashishtashanita also mentions the same.

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