Photo courtesy: Trey Retcliff.
विप्रक्षत्रियविट्शूद्रा मीनाद्या राशयः क्रमात
स्वामिनोऽधिकवर्णा हि गृहं सौख्यकरं नहि ॥५५॥
मीनादि राशियों में गृह का राशी वर्ण गृह–स्वामी के राशी वर्ण से उत्तम होने पर गृह सुखकारी नहीं होता ।
Compatibility in Vastu. Varna Vichaar.
This is a very interesting sloka. To make it work, we need to find out the rashi or zodiac sign of the dwelling.
The Rashi of dwelling is dependent on Nakshatra or constellation of dwelling. First Multiply the perimeter of plot with number 8. Then it should be divided by twenty-seven. The remainder counted from Aswini gives the constellation.
Atha Rasyanaynam
The nakshtra found from above should be multiplied by 60 and the result should be divided by 35. The remainder is the zodiac sign or Rashi of the Gruha or dwelling.
Rashis are divided into varnas.
4,8,12 are Brahmin Rashis.
1,5,9 are Kshatriya Rashis.
6,10,2 are Vaisya Rashis.
3,11,7 are Kshudra Rashis.
So according to sloka a person should not procure a house with higher varna. So if a person belongs to Khsudra varna, then he should not acquire a Brahmin dwelling. This is the same in case of marriage where a person from a varna should not get married to person of higher varna. (varna means class of men or class of humans doing a particular)
Note: Building perimeter should be converted to aangula.
24 aangula=33 inch=1.375inch which is equal to one angula.
Alok Jagawat
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